Tag Archives: remove Jigsaw Ransomware encryption

Best Guide to Remove Jigsaw Ransomware

Jigsaw Ransomware Removal Instructions

Jigsaw Ransomware is a hot computer virus this week and now it is harming more and more computer users. Our team received many emails from the victims infected by Jigsaw Ransomware, they are all looking for assistance to completely remove this severe infection, thus we post this guide to assist all users clean up the ransomware and avoid further damages from it. If you are one of the victims, check details below and learn to get rid of Jigsaw Ransomware in time. To remove Jigsaw Ransomware and avoid the same issues happening again in the future, you need to have a complete knowledge about this kind of threat, so we will let you know all details of the virus first: How does it invade your system? What damages will it cause? Should you buy the decyption key?

Warnings from Jigsaw Ransomware

Your computer files have been encrypted. Your photos, videos, documents, etc….
But, don’t worry! I have not deleted them, yet.
You have 24 hours to pay 150 USD in Bitcoins to get the decryption key.
Every hour files will be deleted. Increasing in amount every time.
After 72 hours all that are left will be deleted.
If you do not have bitcoins Google the website localbitcoins.
Purchase 150 American Dollars worth of Bitcoins or .4 BTC. The system will accept either one.
Send to the Bitcoins address specified.
Within two minutes of receiving your payment your computer will receive the decryption key and return to normal.
Try anything funny and the computer has several safety measures to delete your files.
As soon as the payment is received the crypted files will be returned to normal.
Thank you

get rid of Jigsaw Ransomware
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